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How Long Does It Take to Learn eFoiling: Understanding the Learning Curve in Your eFoil Journey

By Emerald Wake posted on September 13, 2024

Learning to eFoil is one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences on the water. The magic carpet feeling of flying above the surface and the physical and mental engagement of mastering a new water sport attracts riders of all levels.

The time it takes varies depending on the gear you use and your aptitude from the start. On average, with proper instruction and the right equipment, most people can learn to eFoil in 10 minutes to 2 hours. Mastering high-level moves or advanced equipment like the Fliteboard Pro or Ultra L2 is a different story altogether. Regardless, the best thing about eFoiling is almost everyone can be up and cruising around in an incredibly short time compared to other watersports.

However, like any new skill, learning to eFoil follows a J-curve learning pattern. Understanding this J-curve can help you navigate the ups and downs of your eFoiling journey and keep you motivated as you progress toward becoming an advanced rider. Interestingly, this is a short-lived J-curve, and equipment choice or lessons will be a huge factor in your experience.

  1. What is the J-Curve in learning to eFoil?
  2. Why learning on a small eFoil feels hard at first.
  3. Tips for learning a new eFoil skill.
  4. The upward slope of the eFoil J-Curve.
  5. Embrace many J-Curves in eFoiling.
man riding efoil

What is the J-Curve in Learning to eFoil?

The J-curve represents a typical learning trajectory where progress appears to decline initially before accelerating upwards. For eFoiling, this means that when you first start, you might feel overwhelmed or even struggle with the basics—balancing on the board, controlling the throttle, or maintaining proper body positioning. As you persist, however, you’ll experience a turning point where your skills suddenly start to improve rapidly, and riding the eFoil becomes more intuitive and enjoyable.

Lessons make it easy:
Learning beginner-friendly gear like the Fliteboard 100 liter with a large wing will significantly mitigate the process. You can make great progress and prepare for more advanced gear when you’re ready to invest in your kit.

This J-curve will appear many times as you progress towards more difficult things. For example, you might experience a J-curve when you switch to a smaller board and front wing. Yet again, you will experience a J-curve when you start riding in waves without power. This pattern is to be expected every time you experience growth in life. Embrace it and enjoy the journey.

zoomed out photo of man on efoil

The Dip: Why Learning on a Smaller eFoil Feels Hard at First

A large board will be easy, but a smaller board will be the most exciting. It just takes a little extra work but is well worth the effort. Riders who do want to cruise and have relaxing rides should consider an easy board like the Fliteboard 100 liter. Riders who want something more should look to the Fliteboard PRO.

When you first step onto an advanced eFoil like the Fliteboard PRO or Ultra L2, you’re faced with several challenges all at once:

  1. Balance and Stability: Unlike surfing or paddleboarding, eFoiling involves balancing on a board that lifts out of the water on a hydrofoil. This requires a unique combination of core strength, stability, and balance. The board feels wobbly at first, and maintaining balance can be difficult, leading to frequent falls.

  2. Body Positioning: Proper body positioning is crucial in eFoiling. Leaning too far forward or backward can cause the board to nosedive or flip over. Smaller boards are more responsive. This is more fun but requires more skill.

  3. Coordination of Movements: eFoiling demands coordinated movements—balancing on the board, adjusting the throttle, and controlling the direction all at once. This complexity can make the initial learning curve feel steep. The good news is that almost everyone can learn these concepts in just a session or two with good instruction!

Because of these challenges, many beginners experience a dip in their confidence and progress when they first start eFoiling on an advanced board. They may feel like they are not improving or even regressing, which is a natural part of the J-curve.

woman riding on efoil board

Navigating the Dip: Tips for learning a new Skill

While the initial stages of learning to eFoil can be challenging, understanding that you are experiencing the natural dip of the J-curve can help you stay motivated. Here are some strategies to help you navigate this phase:

  1. Start in Calm Conditions: Begin your practice sessions in calm water conditions with minimal wind and waves. This will help reduce the variables you need to manage and allow you to focus more on balance and throttle control.

  2. Take lessons: A good instructor will help you establish good habits right away. They will teach you the proper technique and accelerate the process.

  3. Break Down the Skills: Focus on mastering one aspect of eFoiling at a time. Start with getting comfortable standing on the board, then work on balance, followed by throttle control and body positioning. Breaking down the skills into manageable chunks can make the learning process less overwhelming.

  4. Take Regular Breaks: It’s easy to become frustrated when learning to eFoil, especially if progress seems slow. Taking regular breaks can help you stay fresh and keep frustration at bay. Remember, it’s better to have several short, focused sessions than one long, frustrating one.
  5. Learn from Experienced Riders: Watching experienced riders or taking lessons from a certified eFoil instructor can provide valuable insights and techniques to improve your skills.

  6. Stay Positive and Persistent: Keep a positive attitude and remind yourself that every rider experiences setbacks when learning to eFoil. Embrace the challenges as opportunities to learn and improve.

The Breakthrough: Reaching the Upward Slope of the J-Curve

After a period of practice and overcoming initial challenges, you’ll begin to experience a breakthrough—this is where the upward slope of the J-curve comes into play. Here’s what to expect as you start to see rapid improvement:

  • Improved Balance and Control: With time, your body starts to naturally adjust to the balance required for eFoiling. You’ll find it easier to stand up, stay balanced, and control your movements on the board. It will feel like second nature!

  • Greater Confidence: As your skills improve, your confidence will grow. You’ll feel more comfortable taking on different challenges, such as riding in choppier conditions, attempting turns, or even trying tricks.

  • More Enjoyment and Freedom: The more you improve, the more enjoyable eFoiling becomes. The initial frustration and fear of falling will give way to the pure thrill of gliding above the water, and you’ll feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration unique to eFoiling.
woman riding an efoil

Embrace the J-Curve in Your eFoiling Journey

Learning to eFoil is a rewarding journey filled with both challenges and triumphs. Understanding the J-curve in your learning process can help you stay motivated through the initial dips and push through to the breakthroughs.

Remember, every great eFoil rider started where you are now—experiencing the wobbles, falls, and frustrations. But with persistence, practice, and a positive mindset, you’ll soon find yourself enjoying the thrill of eFoiling with confidence and skill.

So, gear up, get on the water, and embrace the learning curve. Call or email us to book eFoil lessons or chat about the right gear picks for you.

Are you ready to experience the thrill of gliding above the water on a quality eFoil? Emerald Wake offers top-quality eFoils that combine cutting-edge technology with unparalleled performance. Discover the excitement and innovation of eFoiling with us today.

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