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How Long Does a Fliteboard Last?

By hdavidson posted on June 23, 2024

A Fliteboard can last a very long time. It depends on how often you use your eFoil and how well you care for it. The board and majority of components will last well over a decade with proper care. The batteries, however, might need to be replaced depending on how frequently you use them and how they are cared for. This blog will share how to take care of your investment and what to avoid to get the most life out of your eFoil. 

  1. How long does a Fliteboard Last?
  2. Tips to make your Fliteboard Last Longer. 
  3. How often should I do maintenance on my Fliteboard? 
  4. How long does a Flitecell battery Last? 
  5. How do I take care of my Fliteboard?

How long does a Fliteboard eFoil Last? 

There is no exact time frame. Simply put, by the time you are ready for a new eFoil, the technology will be so new and exciting, you will likely upgrade in a few years, long before the eFoil wears out. If you’re committed to making the most out of your investment it takes only a little work to keep your gear in tip top shape. 

By following these tips and engaging in regular maintenance, you can ensure your Fliteboard remains in top condition for as long as possible. This proactive approach to care is key to extending the lifespan of your eFoil. Always remember to clean and store your board properly after each use. 

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Tips to make your Fliteboard Last Longer. 

Tear down: Disconnect, remove the battery, and detach the foil to clean all the components. You don’t have to remove the mast if you are riding a few days back-to-back, but it’s good practice to remove the eFoil, the wings, the screws, and other components every three days of use. Turn off the Flitecell battery and wipe it down with a towel or cloth. 

Clean your eFoil: Always use fresh water to wash off sand, dirt, and salt residue from the eFoil board. We recommend using a hose, but a couple of gallons of water can do the job in a pinch. Make sure to wipe down and dry the Fliteboard and grip. Use soapy water to clean the controller and safety key. Always use a bag to protect the board while transporting and storing. 

Clean the eFoil Components: use a contact cleaner on all the connectors to reduce the chance of corrosion. Every couple of weeks, you can use a contact cleaner on all cables and re-apply Ref-Gel to the screws. 

eFoil Wing and Mast Care: Use fresh water to clean everything off. Especially if you’re riding in salt water. Be sure to wipe everything down and dry it with a towel. Always use a protective case for transportation and storage. This is the most likely time for gear to get scratched or damaged. 

Avoid Pressure: When transporting and storing, do not place heavy objects on top of the eFoil or any of its components to prevent deformation or damage.

Storing your eFoil

Keep your eFoil indoors with climate control if possible. Boats, garages, and other locations that might experience extreme temperatures are not ideal. Many people leave their eFoil on the boat, but excessive temperatures cause wear over time. The best storage temperature is between 50ºF and 77ºF.

Consider the weather when leaving your eFoil on the boat or anywhere else not indoors. Store the board, foil, and battery in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Never leave it near a heat source like a furnace or heater. The same goes for when transporting your gear. Don’t leave the Flitecell inside a vehicle on hot days. Avoid leaving equipment in direct sunlight if you’ll be out all day.

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How often should I do maintenance on my Fliteboard? 

At least once a season will do the trick but if you have time, every couple of weeks it’s worth doing a thorough inspection, cleaning, and maintenance on your Fliteboard. The boards are built to last, but things can happen. Often transportation can be the most common time for damage to occur. Always pack with care and use bags or carry cases. This is when things get dropped or stacked and secured poorly in a vehicle.  If you are moving your eFoil regularly and multiple people are sharing, it’s better to do maintenance more often. 

Inspect Your Fliteboard Periodically:

Inspecting your eFoil for any issues is important. Some light damage left unchecked can grow into a much bigger and more expensive problem later. 

  1. Check the Fliteboard and components periodically for any signs of damage or corrosion.
  2. Check your Fliteboard for damage and cracks. If you see anything, contact a professional epoxy surfboard repair shop.
  3. Check the mast seal regularly for damage and keep it clean. 

A black box with a black label

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How long does a Flitecell battery last? 

The lifespan of a lithium-ion battery depends on many factors, including its usage patterns, temperature, and charging habits. Generally, a lithium-ion battery can last 100 to 500 charge cycles. Fliteboard is rated to last between 700 to 1000 charge cycles. Here are some key points:

Charge Cycles: A charge cycle is a full discharge and charge of the battery. Partial discharges and recharges count as fractions of a cycle.

Usage Patterns: Frequent deep discharges (draining the battery completely) can shorten lifespan. Keeping the battery between 20% and 80% charged is often recommended.

Storage: If storing the battery for an extended period, it’s best to keep it at about 50% charge and in a cool, dry place. If storing for an extended period, check the battery every few months and recharge it to about 50% if needed. Don’t store while charging. Don’t store fully charged or discharged for an extended time. 

After long-term storage, you must charge the eFoil battery and controller 100%. It may take longer than usual. Potentially up to 24 hours. Use this time to inspect and perform routine maintenance. 

Extreme hot and cold temperatures can negatively impact the battery’s performance and longevity. Keeping the battery at a moderate temperature can help extend its life. The ideal storage temperature is between 59°F and 77°F. 

Avoid storing it in places where temperatures can become extremely high or low. Ensure the storage area is moisture-free to prevent any risk of corrosion or damage. Store the battery in a well-ventilated area to avoid the buildup of gases that might be released from the battery over time. Do not store the battery near metal objects that could cause short circuits. Store the battery in its original packaging or a protective case to prevent accidental damage if possible.

How do I take care of my Fliteboard? 

Routine inspections, maintenance, and good storage are crucial. We can handle all of that for you. From pick-up and delivery to cleaning, storage, charging and more. We’re happy to do all the work needed to keep you having fun on the water as long as possible with as little work as possible. Schedule here to have us handle your eFoil when you need to store it. 

If you have any questions about eFoils or need help deciding which is best for you, call (850) 400-8500 or email us at for a custom recommendation. We offer eFoil lessons, guided eFoil tours, eFoil demos, eFoil rentals, storage and delivery options for your eFoils, and more.

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