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Flite Jet Vs. Propeller

By hdavidson posted on July 10, 2024

When choosing the right propulsion system for your eFoil, you have two main options: the Flite Jet and the traditional propeller. The Flite Jet, developed by Fliteboard, uses a jet propulsion system instead of a conventional propeller. 

The Flite Jet offers substantial advantages, particularly for those who prioritize safety. Its jet propulsion technology eliminates the propeller, reducing the risk of injuries from physical contact with a propeller. This makes it an excellent choice for families, beginners, or anyone with safety concerns. Moreover, the Flite Jet has an incredibly smooth ride due to its minimal drag and smooth power delivery. You can expect a controlled, comfortable, and easy takeoff.

On the other hand, the Flite Propeller is widely used due to its efficiency, speed, and versatility. It offers increased thrust and top speeds and is more budget-friendly compared to the Flite Jet. Overall, the Flite Propeller is the more common choice as it’s a versatile and efficient option for most riders.

In this guide, we will examine both options, highlighting their pros and cons to help you decide which system is best for you.

  1. Should I get the Flite Jet?
  2. Should I buy the Flite Jet? Cons to consider. 
  3. Pros and cons of Flite Jet. 
  4. Should I get the Flite Prop? 
  5. Should I buy the Flite Propeller? 
  6. Pros and cons. of the Flite Prop.

Should I get the Flite Jet? 

Before answering whether you should get the Flite Jet, let’s quickly go over what exactly the Flite Jet is. The answer is in the name. Instead of using a traditional propeller option for propulsion, the Flite Jet uses a jet propulsion system, eliminating the need for a prop. Flite Jet is a product and technology specifically designed by Fliteboard. They are by no means the only eFoil offering jet propulsion. Still, when deciding what to use at our eFoil school in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, we found that Fliteboard offered the high quality and wide range of options we were looking for.

The Flite Jet is an excellent option for many electric hydrofoil riders. However, certain riders may especially appreciate its benefits. If you are new to eFoiling or are going to allow your children to ride your board, or if you are just generally more concerned with safety, then the Flite Jet is a must. The jet propulsion technology eliminates the prop, eliminating one of the primary safety risks associated with eFoils. There is zero chance of an injury from making physical contact with a propeller because there is no propeller. Pairing the Flite Jet with the Flitescooter is an excellent option if you are looking for the safest, most relaxed riding option for families or anyone looking for the easiest possible eFoil experience.

Another benefit of the Flite Jet that some riders might prioritize is that it allows for the smoothest ride possible. The Flite Jet prop itself is so small that there is minimal drag, creating an exceptionally smooth ride.

A person holding a propeller under water

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Should I buy the Flite Jet for my Fliteboard? Cons to consider.

In the previous section, we discussed many of the Flite Jet’s benefits, such as enhanced safety, reduced drag, better maneuverability, etc. However, choosing Flite Jet comes with some compromises.

The initial con you will notice is the price. Flite Jet costs $500 more than the Flite Propeller Module. Although $500 is a significant amount of money, if you prioritize the benefits offered by Flite Jet, then it is well worth the extra cost.

There are so many pros to the Flite Jet, but the technology that creates those benefits does have its considerations. Chiefly, the Flite Jet system requires more power than the prop system, which results in a little less efficiency, less initial thrust, and a slight decrease in speed. This makes it approachable and friendlier to new eFoilers but less appealing to those who want the fastest, most performance-minded eFoil. 

You can customize your board with features to upgrade the performance. The first option that you should consider is a larger wing for your eFoil board. The Cruiser Jet 1500 and 1800 are designed specially for the Flite Jet. Another option we like to pair with the Flite Jet is a larger battery. With additional energy demand, choosing a battery with more power is best. Flitecell Explore or Flitecell Sport would be the ideal options to consider. Flitecell Explore is a perfect option if you are a heavier rider who enjoys longer rides like the ones we regularly take along Florida’s Emerald Coast.

Pros and cons of the Flite Jet 


  • Enhanced Safety: Eliminates the risk of injuries from propeller contact.
  • Smoothest Possible Ride: Minimal drag due to the small size of the jet prop.
  • Increased Maneuverability: The design allows for better handling and control.


  • Higher Price Point: The Flite Jet is $500 more expensive than the Flite Propeller Module.
  • Less Efficient Power Usage: Requires more power, leading to reduced efficiency.
  • Decrease in Thrust and Speed: Offers less initial thrust and lower top speeds.

The Flite Jet is particularly beneficial for certain riders:

  1. Safety-Conscious Riders: If you’re new to eFoiling, planning to let your children ride your board, or are generally concerned about safety, the Flite Jet is an excellent choice. The absence of a propeller removes one of the primary safety risks associated with water sports, making it ideal for families or anyone looking for the safest possible eFoil experience.

Smooth Ride Seekers: The Flite Jet offers an exceptionally smooth ride. Its compact propeller reduces drag, enhancing the smoothness of your ride.

Should I get a prop for my Fliteboard?

The Flite Propeller is a great option and is the propulsion system used by most riders. It offers great benefits, including efficiency, speed, thrust, and safety.

If you are a rider without any specific concerns regarding enhanced safety or minimizing drag, this is the best option for you. It is extremely versatile and satisfies most riders’ needs. Regarding safety, all Fliteboards do disengage the motor when you fall. 

Should I buy the prop for my Fliteboard? 

The Flite Propeller has many pros. One of the main highlights is its increased efficiency. This allows for longer rides in general and allows you to choose from the full range of battery options, including the Flitecell nano.

Another great benefit of the prop options is that you will benefit from increased thrust when you take off and higher top speeds during your ride.

One major concern riders have regarding propeller propulsion is safety. Fortunately, the Flite Propeller addresses this. It’s encased with a prop guard that significantly reduces the chance of any contact between the rider and the prop. Paired with the shut-off feature and the need to arm the remote to reengage the motor, you can rest assured that with proper use, it’s a safe option. 

When it comes to the Flite Propeller, the main “cons” are the increased drag caused by the propeller’s size compared to the Flite Jet and the slight decrease in safety compared to the Flite Jet.

The Flite Propeller works perfectly with the entire Fliteboard lineup. From the Flite Air to the Ultra L2 and everything in between. 

Pros and Cons of the Propeller


  • Maximum Efficiency: Allows for longer rides and compatibility with a wide range of battery options, including the Flitecell Nano.
  • Increased Thrust and Speed: Provides better initial thrust and higher top speeds.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a variety of riding styles and compatible with the entire Fliteboard lineup.
  • Budget-Friendly: More affordable than the Flite Jet option.


  • Safety Concerns: It is very safe but slightly less than the Flite Jet. The Flite Propeller includes a prop guard, and the motor must be armed before starting. 
  • Increased Drag: The larger size of the propeller compared to the jet propulsion system results in more drag.

If you have any questions about eFoils or need help deciding which is best for you, call (850) 400-8500 or email us at for a custom recommendation. We offer eFoil lessons, guided eFoil tours, eFoil demos, storage and delivery options for your eFoils, and more.

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