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eFoiling safety checklist

By hdavidson posted on November 25, 2023

Is efoiling safe? 

eFoiling is becoming increasingly popular on beaches everywhere. Here in Santa Rosa Beach Florida, we get more than our fair share of time on the water, and we’ve worked with riders of all experience levels. eFoiling like every watersport should be treated with respect, but ultimately is safe. 

In some ways, eFoiling is safer than weather-dependent watersports. We have the luxury of being in full control of the ride and our experience on the water when decide to get wet. It’s still important to practice situational awareness and self-awareness.  For example, situational awareness would be monitoring the weather for any storms before going out. Self-awareness might come into play if you want to start wave riding. Knowing your level and choosing appropriate size waves are a perfect example.  

Common sense and following these safety tips will go a long way in keeping you safe on the water. In this blog, we’ll cover the best practices for eFoil safety and potentially dangerous situations that you should avoid.

1 Wear a helmet.

Not everyone who eFoils will wear a helmet, but it’s always good practice to wear one regardless of sport. It’s standard to wear one in other sports like snowboarding and wing foiling, and we recommend using one while eFoiling too. 

A helmet can protect your head from unexpected falls or collisions. Even experienced riders can benefit from wearing a helmet as it protects against unforeseen accidents, such as hitting a submerged object or colliding with another rider.

People usually just fall back into the water while eFoiling, but inflatable eFoils like The Flite AIR or soft-top Fliteboard are a great extra step to keep things safe. 

Check out some of our favorite Fliteboard helmets linked here. 

2 Wear a life jacket. 

Life jackets should always be worn when eFoiling. They provide flotation after a fall and extra padding to protect you from falling on the board or foil. Safety should always come first; a life jacket is mandatory in many locations. 

In addition to flotation, modern life jackets are designed to be comfortable and unobtrusive. They ensure that you can move freely and enjoy your ride without compromising on safety. They can also help keep you warm when it gets cooler. 

Check out our favorite impact vests here. 

3 Give swimmers the right of way.

Be mindful of others in the water. eFoils are powerful and fast. Always stay 50 feet away from swimmers, surfers, kiteboarders, and anyone else in the water. This distance ensures everyone’s safety and reduces the risk of accidents.

By maintaining this buffer zone, you also demonstrate good sportsmanship and respect for other water users. It’s important to remember that swimmers and non-motorized watercraft have limited maneuverability compared to an eFoil, so giving them space is essential. Most places don’t have regulations for eFoils, and we want to keep them that way. 

4 Make sure the eFoil controller is locked after a fall.

Some models, like the Flitescooter, automatically disengage the motor when you fall. Depending on what eFoil you are using, ensure the motor is off when mounting the board. 

Watch your feet, as it’s possible to kick the foil or the prop when climbing back on. You also want your eFoil to stay within reach of you and avoid crashing into someone or something. Locking the controller after a fall prevents these issues. 

This practice protects you, other water users, and any nearby property. A runaway eFoil can cause damage or injury, so securing the controller is a must. 

5 Don’t eFoil near solid objects. 

Riding next to the boat or a dock might be tempting, especially when you start experiencing cheers from excited boaters. It’s common to have a group of boaters who want to ask questions or toss you a celebratory beer.

Use some self and situational awareness here. Keep a reasonable distance from solid objects, and always give yourself room to fall in the water safely. 

Riding close to solid objects increases the risk of collision and injury, as an eFoil’s speed and maneuverability can make it difficult to stop quickly. Always prioritize safety over the rush of impressing onlookers.

A person in a life jacket on a body of water

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6 eFoil with a friend.

While it’s not always possible to find someone to ride with, it’s always safer to ride with a friend. eFoiling is more fun when you share the experience. Most people are more than happy to join and take turns. It’s also a great way to make new friends on the water.

A buddy system ensures that you have immediate help if something goes wrong. Whether it’s a minor issue like a dead battery or something more serious, having a companion can significantly affect response time and safety. At the very least, have someone watching from the boat or dock when riding if possible. 

7 Don’t eFoil in dangerous weather or currents. 

We’re lucky to have a non-weather-dependent sport, unlike other hydrofoil-based sports that rely solely on wind and waves for power. We can ride whenever we like, but it’s still smart to check the forecast. If you see there will be large waves or the potential for high winds and lightning, do not go out.

Dangerous weather can quickly turn an enjoyable outing into a hazardous situation. Strong currents and high winds can make it difficult to control your eFoil, increasing the risk of accidents and stranding you far from shore.

8 Don’t eFoil when it’s too cold out. 

Cold temperatures can be dangerous. Hypothermia can occur even when the air and water are above freezing. A good wetsuit and situational awareness go a long way. Use the 50/50 rule: if the air and water temperatures don’t add up to 100 degrees, use a good wetsuit and only ride briefly.

Never ride alone in the cold. Hypothermia can set in quickly, reducing your ability to think clearly and react to situations effectively. Wearing the right gear and understanding the signs of cold stress is essential for safe eFoiling in colder conditions.

9 Be aware of what’s under the water.

Try to ride in locations with deeper water. Watch out for sandbars, rocks, or dock pilings. You want to protect your hydrofoil wings and yourself. A sudden stop and drop is always jolting. 

Knowing the underwater topography of your riding area can help you avoid these hazards. Use a depth finder or consult with locals for information about potential underwater obstacles. Some beaches have sand bars that can change fast. Keep an eye out for changes in the water color when riding in an area with sandbars or strong tides. 

10 Don’t eFoil out further than you can swim back in.

It’s tempting and fun to explore. Exploring our beautiful dune lakes on the Emerald Coast is one of our favorite activities. We often guide eFoil tours and private sessions, searching for hidden gem eFoil spots. You should always be able to walk out or swim back. 

If you’re eFoiling on the ocean or a large body of water, it’s easy to cover much ground quickly. However, always be mindful of your ability to return to shore under your own power. Sudden changes in weather or equipment failure can leave you stranded if you venture too far out.

11 Watch the eFoil battery level.

When your eFoil gets below 20%, it’s time to head back in. If you ignore this and keep riding, there is a good chance you will be swimming your eFoil board back in. Keeping an eye on the battery level ensures you won’t be stranded far from shore. Battery management is crucial, especially in remote or less accessible areas. Plan your ride to include a buffer for unexpected delays or conditions, ensuring you have enough power to get back safely.

12 Practice situational awareness.

Situational awareness is the ability to perceive and understand what is happening in the environment around you. It involves being aware of various factors and conditions that might impact your safety, well-being, and ability to make informed decisions. In the context of eFoiling, situational awareness means being conscious of the following:

  1. Environmental Conditions:
  • Weather: Monitoring weather forecasts for changes that could affect your ride, such as storms, high winds, or lightning.
  • Water Conditions: Being aware of the state of the water, including wave height, currents, and tides, which can influence your control and safety while eFoiling.
  1. Surroundings:
  • Other People: Notice other water users, such as swimmers, surfers, kiteboarders, and boaters, and maintain a safe distance from them to avoid collisions.
  • Obstacles: Identifying potential hazards like rocks, sandbars, docks, and other solid objects that you need to steer clear of.
  1. Self-Awareness:
  • Skill Level: Understanding your own abilities and limitations. If you’re a beginner, avoiding challenging conditions or advanced maneuvers is crucial until you gain more experience.
  • Physical Condition: Being aware of your own physical state, including fatigue, cold, or any other factors that might impair your performance and judgment.
  1. Equipment Status:
  • eFoil Condition: Check your eFoil regularly for signs of wear or damage that could affect its performance or safety.
  • Battery Level: Monitor your eFoil’s battery level to ensure you have enough power to return to shore safely.

Why is Situational Awareness Important?

  • Prevention of Accidents: By being aware of your surroundings and potential hazards, you can proactively avoid accidents and ensure a safe experience.
  • Better Decision-Making: Situational awareness lets you quickly make informed decisions, adapt to changing conditions, and avoid risky situations.
  • Improved Safety for All: Being conscious of others in the water and potential hazards contributes to a safer environment for everyone, reducing the likelihood of collisions and injuries.
  • Confidence and Enjoyment: Knowing that you are aware and prepared enhances your confidence, allowing you to enjoy the sport more fully without unnecessary worry.

Practicing situational awareness is the key to safely enjoying eFoiling or any other outdoor activity. It involves continuously observing and assessing your environment, anticipating potential issues, and making decisions that prioritize safety for yourself and those around you.

If you have any questions about eFoils or need help deciding which is best for you, call (850) 400-8500 or email us at for a custom recommendation. We offer eFoil lessons, guided eFoil tours, eFoil demos, storage and delivery options for your eFoils, and more.

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