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Can Kids eFoil? A Comprehensive Guide

By hdavidson posted on October 24, 2023

eFoils are great because they are accessible to individuals of most ages and abilities. There is no upper limit in age to eFoil, and little to no strength is required. 

However, when considering letting your children operate any motorized watercraft, your discretion as a parent is paramount. It’s crucial to have proper knowledge and exercise caution, as some ages might be too young, regardless of the precautions taken.

In this article, we will take a look at different age ranges and the various factors that need to be considered when deciding if your child is ready to ride an eFoil. For more information on eFoil safety, please visit our eFoil safety checklist, linked here. 

Table of Contents

  1. Can Children eFoil?
  2. Can a Pre-Teen eFoil?
  3. Can a Teenager eFoil?
  4. What Are the Age Requirements to eFoil?
  5. Where Can I Find eFoil Lessons for Kids in Florida?

Can Children eFoil?

Can my 9-year-old eFoil? How About my 8 or 7-year-old? Sometimes we get this question and while it sometimes depends, the answer is essentially: “No.” Some parents might be comfortable letting their child ride with a responsible adult partner, but even that comes with risks. It’s important to be aware of the potential risks of eFoiling for children, such as improper use, not giving boats respectful space and beachgoers the right of way, or potentially crashing into docks or shallow waters. However, with proper safety measures and supervision, these risks can be minimized. 

Ultimately, the safest choice is to wait until the children are older and have grown physically and mentally so that they can ride safely. When children enter their teen years, having them try eFoiling becomes more realistic.

If your child is 9 years old or younger and weighs less than 100 pounds, it’s best to wait. However, if you wish to introduce them to the water, we recommend riding with them at a slow speed without going onto the foil. Use something large and inflatable, like a 237-liter Flitescooter or the 110-liter Flite AIR paired with the Flite Jet propulsion system with no moving propellor. Always ensure they wear a well-fitted flotation vest and helmet for their safety. 

Can a Pre-Teen eFoil?

The answer is more nuanced, but official safety recommendations remain “no.” If you understand the risks and are still interested in allowing your pre-teen to ride your eFoil, then you should consider a few factors. 

For starters, how big are they? If your pre-teen is relatively mature physically and has the size and coordination similar to that of an adult, then they are more likely to ride an electric hydrofoil safely. Another factor to consider is their maturity, competency, and decision-making skills. Will they be aware of their surroundings while on the water? Will they avoid taking unnecessary risks? These are the questions to consider before allowing your pre-teen to hop on an eFoil board.

Consider these questions to decide if your pre-teen should be allowed to eFoil. 

  • Physical Maturity: Is your pre-teen large enough and coordinated enough to handle an eFoil? 
  • Maturity and Decision-Making: Can they stay aware of their surroundings and avoid unnecessary risks?
  • Attention span: Can they learn and comprehend eFoil use and safety? 
  • Supervision: Are you willing and able to supervise them the entire time every time? 

These considerations are crucial before allowing your pre-teen to ride an eFoil board. Children in this age range rarely have situational awareness, so if you decide to let them eFoil, it’s imperative that they are supervised by an adult. 

Can a Teenager eFoil?

As children grow into their teenage years, their physical and mental maturity increases, making it more likely they can safely ride an eFoil. However, you should still assess their maturity and decision-making skills.

If you determine your teenager is ready, consider the type of board they should use. An inflatable eFoil board, such as the Flite AIR, is soft and more forgiving in case of falls. Another safety option is choosing a Flite Jet propulsion system over a traditional propeller. With good practice, propellors with a guard are perfectly safe, but a Flite Jet is the safest eFoil propulsion system developed to date. 

Recommended eFoils to start your teen on are: 

• Flitescooter 237 liter 

• Flite AIR 110 liter 

• Fliteboard Soft top

• Flite Jet propulsion system 

• Cruiser Jet 1800 Hydrofoil wing 

Set your family up for success by opting for high-volume, easy-to-use eFoil equipment. A Flite AIR is inflatable and has lots of buoyancy for beginners. The Flitescooter is also high volume and shuts off the motor when the rider falls, enhancing the safety of the riders, especially for children. 

With minimal instruction, first-time flyers can learn to ride the Flight Scooter in just a few minutes. The design is so intuitive that users may stay dry during their first ride. The stance will feel familiar if you’ve ridden a scooter or bike. The handlebars provide:

  • Four points of contact for control over the eFoil.
  • Easy balance when stationary.
  • Easy balance when moving slowly in the taxi stage.
  • Easy balance when taking flight. 

For something smaller, more maneuverable, yet user-friendly, consider our favorite. The 100 L Fliteboard soft top. It has a fiberglass core, which has all the benefits of a performance-minded fiberglass eFoil but comes with an EVA soft top. The benefits are more grip and softer falls, and the core of the board is protected by a foam layer. This is a massively underrated benefit in our opinion. 

The Cruiser Jet 1800 is a large hydrofoil wing that can achieve flight at slow speeds, making it one of the most user-friendly in the range. 

What Are the Age Requirements to eFoil?

Most manufacturers recommend that children be at least 16 years old to use an eFoil. However, beyond competence, there are few physical requirements or age limits for eFoiling. We strongly recommend eFoil lessons as a must for anyone who wants to learn how to use an eFoil safely. These lessons are designed to equip your child with the necessary skills and knowledge, ensuring their safety and enjoyment. We have an entire blog on age and physical requirements for eFoiling that you can read here.  

eFoiling is a family sport, and lessons are something exciting you can all do together. Our eFoil lessons for families in Florida are designed to teach everyone the basics of eFoiling in a safe and controlled environment. Families or couples often join us for eFoil lessons and guided eFoil tours. This is one of the best watersports you can practice, thanks to the few requirements to practice and the fact that we do not rely on weather conditions to power the board. 

Where Can I Find eFoil Lessons for Kids in Florida?

We teach eFoil lessons in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, and along the Emerald Coast. Our picturesque locations, including the stunning Gulf shores and calm local dune lakes, provide the perfect setting for learning.

If you have any questions about eFoils or need help deciding which is best for you, call (850) 400-8500 or email us at for a custom recommendation. We offer eFoil lessons, guided eFoil tours, eFoil demos, storage and delivery options for your eFoils, and more.

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